Games Training Bundles !!

These games are based on the Absolute Dogs Training Academy, for which being a Certified Pro Dog Trainer as well as being member of their Pro Dog Trainer Tribe  - I have access to.  See below for examples ....

Want to teach and have fun with your dog? Canine Assist can provide you with the training and knowledge to play fun games that have real implications in building "confidence", "optimism", "focus", "impulse control", "proximity", "calmness", flexibility", "tolerance to frustration"


This is not about behavioural problems (although it really helps with those too!) it is for anyone wanting;  to do more with their dog/dogs, increasing the bond between them, enrichiching the dogs life and improving the exercise regime of the dog.


In a single session we would look to indentify around FIVE games for you to start introducing to your dog/dogs - we will be offering one off - pay as you go and Multi Visit Bundles - to suit everyones lifestyle, flexibility is key.


Prices range from £200 - £500


See Below for examples :-